La conoscenza e i dati sono uno degli strumenti più potenti a disposizione di chi opera sui mercati. Gli indicatori sono decisioni politiche o rapporti su dati nazionali che sono abbastanza significativi da muovere i mercati. Sapere cosa sono, qual è il loro impatto e quando si verificano può darvi un'altra preziosa visione dei mercati e di come si muovono.
Gli indicatori sono classificati come alti, medi o bassi a seconda della loro significatività, anche se l'impatto di alcuni indicatori può aumentare o diminuire a seconda degli eventi geopolitici, politici o di altro tipo.
+ Employment Situation Report (Employment Situation Report)
The Employment Situation Report is a monthly indicator which contains two major parts. One part is the unemployment and new jobs created, the report tells the unemployment rate and the change in unemployment rate. The second part of the report indicates things like average weekly hours worked and average hourly earnings, this data is important for determining the tightness of the labor market, which is a major determinant of inflation. The Bureau of Labor surveys over 250 regions across the United States and covers almost every major industry. This indicator is definitely one of the most watched indicators by the financial markets, the report almost always moves markets. Investors value the fact that information in the Employment report is very timely, less than a week old. The report provides one of the best snapshots of the health of the economy.
+ Current Account (Current Account)
The difference between a nation's total exports of goods, services, and transfers, and its total imports of them. Current account balance calculations exclude transactions in financial assets and liabilities. The level of the current account is followed as an indicator of trends in foreign trade so it is considered as a big market mover.
+ Beige Book (Beige Book)
Beige book is the commonly used term for the Fed report entitled: "Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by Federal Reserve District". It is published just before the FOMC meeting on interest rates and is used to inform the members on changes in the economy since the last meeting. This report is published eight times per year. The Beige Book isn't considered to be a big market mover. It is a gauge on the strength of the economy and not a commentary on the views of Fed members. Occasionally it can move markets if the findings are a big surprise from analyst expectations.
+ Industrial Production Capacity; Production Utilization (Industrial Production Capacity Production Utilization)
It is a chain-weighted measure of the change in the production of the nation's factories, mines and utilities as well as a measure of their industrial capacity and of how many available resources are being used (commonly known as capacity utilization). In addition the Capacity Utilization Index provides an estimate of how much factory capacity is in use. They are important indicators as the manufacturing sector accounts for one-quarter of the economy.
+ Initial Jobless Claims (Initial Jobless Claims)
The data states the number of people who applied to receive unemployment pay for the first time. It has low to medium importance as this relates to weekly data with high fluctuations; average of four weeks is more stable.
+ Tankan Survey (Tankan Survey)
An economic survey of Japanese business issued by the central Bank of Japan, which it then uses to formulate monetary policy. The survey covers thousands of Japanese companies with a specified minimum amount of capital, although firms deemed sufficiently influential may also be included. The companies are asked about current trends and conditions in the business place and their respective industries as well as their expected business activities for the next quarter and year. It is considered as a big market mover for JPY currency pairs.
+ Housing Starts (Housing Starts)
This economic indicator tracks how many new single-family homes or buildings were constructed throughout the month. For the survey each house and each single apartment are counted as one housing start. This indicator isn't a huge market mover, but it has been reported by U.S. Census that the housing industry represents over 25% of investment dollars and a 5% value of the overall economy. Housing starts are considered to be a leading indicator, meaning it detects trends in the economy looking forward. Declining housing starts show a slowing economy, while increases in housing activity can pull an economy out of a downturn.
+ Budget Statement Monthly (Budget Statement Monthly)
The level of deficit/surplus affects the level of US bonds issues by the government, hence – their price. In addition, this report reflects the level of tax collected by the government, which is evident to the activity level of the economy. In such regard, the April report (the yearly tax remittance moth) is even more important than other months’ reports.
+ Durable Goods (Durable Goods)
Durable Goods Orders measures new orders placed with domestic manufacturers for immediate and future delivery of factory hard goods. A durable good is defined as a good that lasts an extended period of time (over three years) during which its services are extended. Rising Durable Goods Orders are normally associated with stronger economic activity and can therefore lead to higher short-term interest rates that are often supportive to a currency at least in the short term.
+ ECI - Employment Cost Index (Eci Employment Cost Index)
The ECI tracks movement in the cost of labor which includes wages, fringe benefits, and bonuses for employees at all levels of involvement in the companies. The Bureau of Labor surveys over 3,000 private sector firms and over 500 local governments, schools and other public sector organizations. This indicator isn't the most watched, but it is among a select group of indicators that have enough power to move the markets, especially during inflationary times. The idea behind the ECI is that as wage pressures increase so does inflation. This is mainly because compensation tends to increase before companies increase prices for consumers (inflation).
+ Philadelphia Fed Index (Philadelphia Fed Index)
The Business Outlook Survey is a monthly survey of manufacturers located around the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Companies surveyed indicate the direction of change in their overall business activity and in the various measures of activity at their plants. The index signals expansion when it is above zero and contraction when below. This index is considered to be a good indicator of changes in everything from employment, general prices, and conditions within the manufacturing industry. It isn't a big market mover, but the results found in the survey can indicate what to expect from the Purchasing Managers' Index (which comes out a few days later and covers the entire U.S.).
+ MCSI - Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (Mcsi Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index)
A survey of consumer confidence conducted by the University of Michigan. The index is becoming more and more useful for investors. It gives a snapshot of whether or not consumers feel like spending money.
+ ISM (Institute for Supply Management) Manufacturing Index (Ism Institute For Supply Management Manufacturing Index)
The Manufacturing ISM Report On Business is based on data compiled from monthly replies to questions asked of purchasing executives in more than 400 industrial companies. It reflects a compound average of 5 main economic areas (new customers’ orders 30%; manufacturing 25%; employment 20%; supply orders 15%; inventories 10%). Any data over 50 points shows the expansion of economic activities and data under 50 points shows a contraction.
+ FOMC Meeting (Federal Open Market Committee) (Fomc Meeting Federal Open Market Committee)
The FED (the Federal Reserve of USA) is responsible for managing the US monetary policy, controlling the banks, providing services to governmental organizations and citizens, and maintaining the country’s financial stability. There are 12 Fed regions in the USA (each comprising several states), represented in the Fed committee by regional commissioners. The rate of interest on a currency is in practice the price of the money. The higher the rate of interest on a currency, the more people will tend to hold that currency, to purchase it and in that way to strengthen the value of the currency. This is very important indicator affecting the rate of inflation and is a very big market mover. There is great importance to the FOMC announcement, however – the content of the deliberation held in the meeting (and published 2 weeks afterwards) is almost as important for the market players.
+ PCE - Personal Consumption Expenditure (Pce Personal Consumption Expenditure)
PCE is a of price changes in consumer goods and services. The PCE is a fairly predictable report that has usually little impact on the markets. The Core PCE, which is the index less prices of food and energy estimates inflationary trend more precisely.
+ PMI - Purchasing Managers Index (Pmi Purchasing Managers Index)
The PMI is a composite index that is based on five major indicators including: new orders, inventory levels, production, supplier deliveries, and the employment environment. Each indicator has a different weight and the data is adjusted for seasonal factors. The Association of Purchasing Managers surveys over 300 purchasing managers nationwide who represent 20 different industries. A PMI index over 50 indicates that manufacturing is expanding while anything below 50 means that the industry is contracting. The PMI report is an extremely important indicator for the financial markets as it is the best indicator of factory production. The index is popular for detecting inflationary pressure as well as manufacturing economic activity. The PMI is not as strong as the CPI in detecting inflation, but because the data is released one day after the month it is very timely. Should the PMI report an unexpected change, it is usually followed by a quick reaction in market. One especially key area of the report is growth in new orders, which predicts manufacturing activity in future months.
+ NFP - Changes in non-farm payrolls (Nfp Changes In Non Farm Payrolls)
The data intended to represent changes in the total number of paid U.S. workers of any business, excluding the following:
- general government employees;
- private household employees;
- employees of nonprofit organizations that provide assistance to individuals;
- farm employees.
The total non-farm payroll accounts for approximately 80% of the workers who produce the entire gross domestic product of the United States and is used to assist government policy makers and economists determine the current state of the economy and predict future levels of economic activity. It is a very big market mover mainly due to the high deviations in the forecasting.
+ CCI - Consumer Confidence Index (Cci Consumer Confidence Index)
This is a survey based on a sample of 5,000 U.S. households measuring consumer confidence based on wages, interest rates and overall spending power. The Fed follows this indicator when setting interest rates and it is considered a major mover of the markets.
+ PPI - Producer Price Index; Core-PPI (Ppi Producer Price Index Core Ppi)
The PPI is not as widely used as the CPI, but it is still considered to be a good indicator of inflation. This indicator reflects the change of manufacturers’ cost of input (raw materials; semi-finished goods; etc.). Formerly known as the "Wholesale Price Index", the PPI is a basket of various indexes covering a wide range of areas affecting domestic producers. Each month approximately 100,000 prices are collected from 30,000 production and manufacturing firms. It is not as strong as the CPI in detecting inflation, but because it includes goods being produced it is often a forecast of future CPI releases.
+ TIC (Treasury International Capital) Data on transactions in long term securities (Tic Treasury International Capital Data On Transactions In Long Term Securities)
The TIC data provides information about the most important way the US is financing its ongoing current account deficit: selling long-term securities to foreigners, or exporting debt. It is important to remember that there are other ways of financing a deficit: borrowing from foreign banks or attracting net FDI inflows. But since FDI flows have been negative and bank flows tend to be small, most of the financing the US needs has come from the sale of long-term securities to foreigners. TIC data are a good measurement of how much a country is trusted in the international investment community. It is considered as a big market mover.
+ GDP Price Deflator (Gdp Price Deflator)
The GDP deflator shows how much a change in the base year's GDP relies upon changes in the price level. Also known as the "GDP implicit price deflator." Because it isn't based on a fixed basket of goods and services, the GDP deflator has an advantage over the consumer price index (CPI). Changes in consumption patterns or the introduction of new goods and services are automatically reflected in the deflator. This data is a medium importance indicator for markets.
+ Retail Sales Data; Retail Sales less Automotives (Retail Sales Data Retail Sales Less Automotives)
Retail sales are a key driving force in US economy, this indicator tracks the merchandise sold by companies within the retail trade. This indicator measures the total consumer spending on retails sales (not including service costs). The retail revenues are a major part (two thirds) of the US economy. The Census Bureau surveys hundreds of various sized firms and business offering some type of retail trade. Every month the data is released showing the percent change from the previous month data. A negative number indicates that sales decreased from the previous months sales. This indicator is a very big market mover because it is used as a gauge of consumer activity and confidence as higher sales figures would indicate increased economic activity. The data is very timely because retail sales data is released within 2 weeks of the previous month.
+ Employment Report (Employment Report)
The collection of the data is gathered through a survey among 375,000 business and 60,000 households. The report reviews: the number of new work places created or cancelled in the economy, average wages per hour and the average length of the work week. The report is considered as one of the most important economic publications, both for the fact that it discloses new up-to-date information and due to the fact that, together with NFP, it gives a good picture of the total state of the economy. The report also shows separately the picture in the different sectors (manufacture, service, building, mining, public, etc.)
+ Trade Balance (Trade Balance)
The largest component of a country's balance of payments. The balance of trade measures difference between the value of goods and services that a nation exports and the value of goods and services that it imports. A country has a trade deficit if it imports more than it exports, and the opposite scenario is a trade surplus. It is considered as a very big market mover.
+ Composite Index of Leading Indicators (Composite Index Of Leading Indicators)
An index used to predict the direction of the economy's movements in the months to come. The index is made up of 10 economic components, whose changes tend to precede changes in the overall economy. These 10 components include:
By looking at the Composite Index of Leading Indicators in the light of business cycles and general economic conditions, investors and businesses can form expectations about what's ahead, and make better-informed decisions. It has medium importance, as its components are already known at the time of its publication.
+ GDP - Gross Domestic Product (Gdp Gross Domestic Product)
The US Commerce department publishes the GDP in 3 modes: advance; preliminary; final. GDP is a gross measure of market activity. It represents the monetary value of all the goods and services produced by an economy over a specified period. This includes consumption, government purchases, investments, and the trade balance. The GDP is perhaps the greatest indicator of the economic health of a country. It is usually measured on a yearly basis, but quarterly stats are also released.
The Commerce Department releases an "advance report" on the last day of each quarter. Within a month it follows up with the "preliminary report" and then the "final report" is released another month later. The most recent GDP figures have a relatively high importance to the markets. GDP indicates the pace at which a country's economy is growing (or shrinking).
+ CPI - Consumer Price Index; Core-CPI (Cpi Consumer Price Index Core Cpi)
This is the most extensively used measure of inflation and is viewed as an indicator of the efficiency of government policy. This basket of consumer goods and services is tracked monthly and excludes taxes. Considered a big market mover; a rise in CPI signposts inflation. The Core-CPI doesn’t include food or energy as they are subject to seasonal changes, and gives more weight to general prices.
+ PPI - Producer Price Index; Core-PPI (Ppi Producer Price Index Core Ppi)
The PPI is not as widely used as the CPI, but it is still considered to be a good indicator of inflation. This indicator reflects the change of manufacturers’ cost of input (raw materials; semi-finished goods; etc.). Formerly known as the "Wholesale Price Index", the PPI is a basket of various indexes covering a wide range of areas affecting domestic producers. Each month approximately 100,000 prices are collected from 30,000 production and manufacturing firms. It is not as strong as the CPI in detecting inflation, but because it includes goods being produced it is often a forecast of future CPI releases.
+ Philadelphia Fed Index (Philadelphia Fed Index)
The Business Outlook Survey is a monthly survey of manufacturers located around the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Companies surveyed indicate the direction of change in their overall business activity and in the various measures of activity at their plants. The index signals expansion when it is above zero and contraction when below. This index is considered to be a good indicator of changes in everything from employment, general prices, and conditions within the manufacturing industry. It isn't a big market mover, but the results found in the survey can indicate what to expect from the Purchasing Managers' Index (which comes out a few days later and covers the entire U.S.).
+ Initial Jobless Claims (Initial Jobless Claims)
The data states the number of people who applied to receive unemployment pay for the first time. It has low to medium importance as this relates to weekly data with high fluctuations; average of four weeks is more stable.
+ Industrial Production Capacity; Production Utilization (Industrial Production Capacity Production Utilization)
It is a chain-weighted measure of the change in the production of the nation's factories, mines and utilities as well as a measure of their industrial capacity and of how many available resources are being used (commonly known as capacity utilization). In addition the Capacity Utilization Index provides an estimate of how much factory capacity is in use. They are important indicators as the manufacturing sector accounts for one-quarter of the economy.
+ Housing Starts (Housing Starts)
This economic indicator tracks how many new single-family homes or buildings were constructed throughout the month. For the survey each house and each single apartment are counted as one housing start. This indicator isn't a huge market mover, but it has been reported by U.S. Census that the housing industry represents over 25% of investment dollars and a 5% value of the overall economy. Housing starts are considered to be a leading indicator, meaning it detects trends in the economy looking forward. Declining housing starts show a slowing economy, while increases in housing activity can pull an economy out of a downturn.
+ GDP Price Deflator (Gdp Price Deflator)
The GDP deflator shows how much a change in the base year's GDP relies upon changes in the price level. Also known as the "GDP implicit price deflator." Because it isn't based on a fixed basket of goods and services, the GDP deflator has an advantage over the consumer price index (CPI). Changes in consumption patterns or the introduction of new goods and services are automatically reflected in the deflator. This data is a medium importance indicator for markets.
+ Durable Goods (Durable Goods)
Durable Goods Orders measures new orders placed with domestic manufacturers for immediate and future delivery of factory hard goods. A durable good is defined as a good that lasts an extended period of time (over three years) during which its services are extended. Rising Durable Goods Orders are normally associated with stronger economic activity and can therefore lead to higher short-term interest rates that are often supportive to a currency at least in the short term.
+ Current Account (Current Account)
The difference between a nation's total exports of goods, services, and transfers, and its total imports of them. Current account balance calculations exclude transactions in financial assets and liabilities. The level of the current account is followed as an indicator of trends in foreign trade so it is considered as a big market mover.
+ Composite Index of Leading Indicators (Composite Index Of Leading Indicators)
An index used to predict the direction of the economy's movements in the months to come. The index is made up of 10 economic components, whose changes tend to precede changes in the overall economy. These 10 components include:
By looking at the Composite Index of Leading Indicators in the light of business cycles and general economic conditions, investors and businesses can form expectations about what's ahead, and make better-informed decisions. It has medium importance, as its components are already known at the time of its publication.
+ Budget Statement Monthly (Budget Statement Monthly)
The level of deficit/surplus affects the level of US bonds issues by the government, hence – their price. In addition, this report reflects the level of tax collected by the government, which is evident to the activity level of the economy. In such regard, the April report (the yearly tax remittance moth) is even more important than other months’ reports.
+ PCE - Personal Consumption Expenditure (Pce Personal Consumption Expenditure)
PCE is a of price changes in consumer goods and services. The PCE is a fairly predictable report that has usually little impact on the markets. The Core PCE, which is the index less prices of food and energy estimates inflationary trend more precisely.
+ ECI - Employment Cost Index (Eci Employment Cost Index)
The ECI tracks movement in the cost of labor which includes wages, fringe benefits, and bonuses for employees at all levels of involvement in the companies. The Bureau of Labor surveys over 3,000 private sector firms and over 500 local governments, schools and other public sector organizations. This indicator isn't the most watched, but it is among a select group of indicators that have enough power to move the markets, especially during inflationary times. The idea behind the ECI is that as wage pressures increase so does inflation. This is mainly because compensation tends to increase before companies increase prices for consumers (inflation).
+ Beige Book (Beige Book)
Beige book is the commonly used term for the Fed report entitled: "Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by Federal Reserve District". It is published just before the FOMC meeting on interest rates and is used to inform the members on changes in the economy since the last meeting. This report is published eight times per year. The Beige Book isn't considered to be a big market mover. It is a gauge on the strength of the economy and not a commentary on the views of Fed members. Occasionally it can move markets if the findings are a big surprise from analyst expectations.
+ Trade Balance (Trade Balance)
The largest component of a country's balance of payments. The balance of trade measures difference between the value of goods and services that a nation exports and the value of goods and services that it imports. A country has a trade deficit if it imports more than it exports, and the opposite scenario is a trade surplus. It is considered as a very big market mover.
+ TIC (Treasury International Capital) Data on transactions in long term securities (Tic Treasury International Capital Data On Transactions In Long Term Securities)
The TIC data provides information about the most important way the US is financing its ongoing current account deficit: selling long-term securities to foreigners, or exporting debt. It is important to remember that there are other ways of financing a deficit: borrowing from foreign banks or attracting net FDI inflows. But since FDI flows have been negative and bank flows tend to be small, most of the financing the US needs has come from the sale of long-term securities to foreigners. TIC data are a good measurement of how much a country is trusted in the international investment community. It is considered as a big market mover.
+ Tankan Survey (Tankan Survey)
An economic survey of Japanese business issued by the central Bank of Japan, which it then uses to formulate monetary policy. The survey covers thousands of Japanese companies with a specified minimum amount of capital, although firms deemed sufficiently influential may also be included. The companies are asked about current trends and conditions in the business place and their respective industries as well as their expected business activities for the next quarter and year. It is considered as a big market mover for JPY currency pairs.
+ Retail Sales Data; Retail Sales less Automotives (Retail Sales Data Retail Sales Less Automotives)
Retail sales are a key driving force in US economy, this indicator tracks the merchandise sold by companies within the retail trade. This indicator measures the total consumer spending on retails sales (not including service costs). The retail revenues are a major part (two thirds) of the US economy. The Census Bureau surveys hundreds of various sized firms and business offering some type of retail trade. Every month the data is released showing the percent change from the previous month data. A negative number indicates that sales decreased from the previous months sales. This indicator is a very big market mover because it is used as a gauge of consumer activity and confidence as higher sales figures would indicate increased economic activity. The data is very timely because retail sales data is released within 2 weeks of the previous month.
+ PMI - Purchasing Managers Index (Pmi Purchasing Managers Index)
The PMI is a composite index that is based on five major indicators including: new orders, inventory levels, production, supplier deliveries, and the employment environment. Each indicator has a different weight and the data is adjusted for seasonal factors. The Association of Purchasing Managers surveys over 300 purchasing managers nationwide who represent 20 different industries. A PMI index over 50 indicates that manufacturing is expanding while anything below 50 means that the industry is contracting. The PMI report is an extremely important indicator for the financial markets as it is the best indicator of factory production. The index is popular for detecting inflationary pressure as well as manufacturing economic activity. The PMI is not as strong as the CPI in detecting inflation, but because the data is released one day after the month it is very timely. Should the PMI report an unexpected change, it is usually followed by a quick reaction in market. One especially key area of the report is growth in new orders, which predicts manufacturing activity in future months.
+ NFP - Changes in non-farm payrolls (Nfp Changes In Non Farm Payrolls)
The data intended to represent changes in the total number of paid U.S. workers of any business, excluding the following:
- general government employees;
- private household employees;
- employees of nonprofit organizations that provide assistance to individuals;
- farm employees.
The total non-farm payroll accounts for approximately 80% of the workers who produce the entire gross domestic product of the United States and is used to assist government policy makers and economists determine the current state of the economy and predict future levels of economic activity. It is a very big market mover mainly due to the high deviations in the forecasting.
+ MCSI - Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (Mcsi Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index)
A survey of consumer confidence conducted by the University of Michigan. The index is becoming more and more useful for investors. It gives a snapshot of whether or not consumers feel like spending money.
+ ISM (Institute for Supply Management) Manufacturing Index (Ism Institute For Supply Management Manufacturing Index)
The Manufacturing ISM Report On Business is based on data compiled from monthly replies to questions asked of purchasing executives in more than 400 industrial companies. It reflects a compound average of 5 main economic areas (new customers’ orders 30%; manufacturing 25%; employment 20%; supply orders 15%; inventories 10%). Any data over 50 points shows the expansion of economic activities and data under 50 points shows a contraction.
+ GDP - Gross Domestic Product (Gdp Gross Domestic Product)
The US Commerce department publishes the GDP in 3 modes: advance; preliminary; final. GDP is a gross measure of market activity. It represents the monetary value of all the goods and services produced by an economy over a specified period. This includes consumption, government purchases, investments, and the trade balance. The GDP is perhaps the greatest indicator of the economic health of a country. It is usually measured on a yearly basis, but quarterly stats are also released.
The Commerce Department releases an "advance report" on the last day of each quarter. Within a month it follows up with the "preliminary report" and then the "final report" is released another month later. The most recent GDP figures have a relatively high importance to the markets. GDP indicates the pace at which a country's economy is growing (or shrinking).
+ FOMC Meeting (Federal Open Market Committee) (Fomc Meeting Federal Open Market Committee)
The FED (the Federal Reserve of USA) is responsible for managing the US monetary policy, controlling the banks, providing services to governmental organizations and citizens, and maintaining the country’s financial stability. There are 12 Fed regions in the USA (each comprising several states), represented in the Fed committee by regional commissioners. The rate of interest on a currency is in practice the price of the money. The higher the rate of interest on a currency, the more people will tend to hold that currency, to purchase it and in that way to strengthen the value of the currency. This is very important indicator affecting the rate of inflation and is a very big market mover. There is great importance to the FOMC announcement, however – the content of the deliberation held in the meeting (and published 2 weeks afterwards) is almost as important for the market players.
+ Employment Situation Report (Employment Situation Report)
The Employment Situation Report is a monthly indicator which contains two major parts. One part is the unemployment and new jobs created, the report tells the unemployment rate and the change in unemployment rate. The second part of the report indicates things like average weekly hours worked and average hourly earnings, this data is important for determining the tightness of the labor market, which is a major determinant of inflation. The Bureau of Labor surveys over 250 regions across the United States and covers almost every major industry. This indicator is definitely one of the most watched indicators by the financial markets, the report almost always moves markets. Investors value the fact that information in the Employment report is very timely, less than a week old. The report provides one of the best snapshots of the health of the economy.
+ Employment Report (Employment Report)
The collection of the data is gathered through a survey among 375,000 business and 60,000 households. The report reviews: the number of new work places created or cancelled in the economy, average wages per hour and the average length of the work week. The report is considered as one of the most important economic publications, both for the fact that it discloses new up-to-date information and due to the fact that, together with NFP, it gives a good picture of the total state of the economy. The report also shows separately the picture in the different sectors (manufacture, service, building, mining, public, etc.)
+ CPI - Consumer Price Index; Core-CPI (Cpi Consumer Price Index Core Cpi)
This is the most extensively used measure of inflation and is viewed as an indicator of the efficiency of government policy. This basket of consumer goods and services is tracked monthly and excludes taxes. Considered a big market mover; a rise in CPI signposts inflation. The Core-CPI doesn’t include food or energy as they are subject to seasonal changes, and gives more weight to general prices.
+ CCI - Consumer Confidence Index (Cci Consumer Confidence Index)
This is a survey based on a sample of 5,000 U.S. households measuring consumer confidence based on wages, interest rates and overall spending power. The Fed follows this indicator when setting interest rates and it is considered a major mover of the markets.
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