Negocie Ações com a easyMarkets

A easyMarkets lhe oferece uma seleção com curadoria das ações mais populares do mundo - ela também lhe dá ferramentas inovadoras e ótimas condições. As ações são CFDs exclusivos e empolgantes que oferecem aos traders uma riqueza de informações, incluindo relatórios de ganhos da empresa e cobertura de notícias.

  • 200+ global markets
  • Tools for beginners & expert traders
  • Trade on web, mobile app or MT4
  • Fixed spreads, no hidden fees

Flexibilidade e Informações

Ações que podem ser negociadas na plataforma web easyMarkets, App, TradingView, MT4 e MT5 que combinam negociação, dados e ferramentas valiosas em uma única tela.


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Veja qual porcentagem de traders está comprando ou vendendo as ações que você está analisando.


Gráficos Poderosos e Personalizáveis

Os gráficos integrados do TradingView oferecem várias opções de indicadores e sobreposições.


Trading Signals, Calendar & Market News

Sinais de Negociação, Calendário e Notícias do Mercado

Negocie suas Empresas Favoritas

Escolha e negocie com as ações das empresas mais dinâmicas do mundo. As empresas de capital aberto publicam seus lucros a cada trimestre e a maioria dos principais veículos de notícias divulga com frequência os preços das ações e as notícias da empresa. Descubra outra maneira de negociar com a easyMarkets.

Ações de CFDs ou Negociação de Ações de CFDs

CFD, uma abreviação de Contrato por Diferença, é um tipo de produto de investimento que permite que você negocie o preço ou a taxa de um ativo sem a obrigação de realmente possuí-lo. Os termos ações ou quotas são geralmente intercambiáveis.

One of the biggest advantages is that CFDs allow you to benefit from both an upwards or a downwards price movement. You can also use what is called “margin” or “leverage” when trading CFDs. Leverage is, in general, a powerful and useful feature of CFD trading. It provides the opportunity to take significant positions (trades) without investing an equally significant amount of capital. However, leverage can be a double-edged sword since large price swings on accounts with higher leverage can increase the chances of a loss.

There are also certain tools that are exclusively available when trading CFD Shares:

  • Guaranteed Stop Loss with No Slippage: This protects your account against runaway losses with a premium add-on that ensures No Slippage at your desired stop loss rate. Activate with wider spread for total risk control.
  • Margin Trading: As mentioned above, CFDs give you the option to open a bigger trade with a smaller investment. Again, it is necessary to mention that although beneficial, smaller movements can cause a trade to lose and close more rapidly.

Note: The Stop-Loss tools on our MT4 platform do not offer guaranteed execution. We only offer Guaranteed Stop Loss with No Slippage as a premium add-on on our easyMarkets platform and app.

In simple terms stocks (or shares) give partial ownership of the company that issues them to shareholders in exchange for funds. Shareholders receive part of the company’s profits or a portion of its appreciation when they hold a company’s stock. Depending on the type of shares issued, having shares in a company can even give voting rights.

Depending on what the company needs, they issue different types of shares:

  • Ordinary shares: These are the standard shares, without any special permissions or obligations. Companies may even issue ordinary shares of different value, with the number of votes being dependent on the value of shares the individual holds.
  • Non-voting ordinary shares: These are conditional shares that allow voting only when certain requirements are met.
  • Redeemable Shares: This gives the company the option to buy back its shares at a future. There may be a predefined timeframe for the buy-back or not.
  • Preference Shares: the “Rolls Royce” of shares – these types of shares not only receive a fixed dividend amount every year, but they also receive it before other shareholders.

Although there are many other types of shares that companies’ issue, these are the most common. There is a caveat though, although shares can pay dividends, if the issuing company goes under – their shares might not be worth anything.

Luckily this isn’t a risk when you trade CFDs because you don’t actually own the underlying asset. Another benefit of trading CFD Shares is that you can take advantage of both positive and negative price trends. When you own the actual asset the only way to benefit from it is by an increase in its value.

Issuing shares creates capital for a company – but unlike loans, technically that capital doesn’t have to be paid back (at least in a traditional sense). The agreement instead is capital for a share of the company’s growth, profits and decision-making (if the shares are of a certain type).

Shares are sold on the stock market – and they are sold for various reasons:

  • To create capital (also known as equity financing)
  • When the first investors of the company want to devest
  • To give employees stock as incentives
  • So investors can trade a company’s stock

A listing is when a company offers stocks on the stock market. This creates capital for the company, gives it creditability and promise of growth to the investors.

The simplicity may shock you – a company’s share’s price is determined by supply and demand. Of course, the way demand is created is through fundamental analysis, which is a little bit more complex.

  • As we saw with Elon Musk, founder and CEO of electric car manufacturer Tesla, the actions of leadership can impact share pricing. Even when these actions aren’t directly associated with the company’s revenue creating activities.

A dividend adjustment will be made to the Client’s Balance with respect the underlying share’s positions held by the Client at the end of business day which precedes the ex-dividend date.

If a share goes ex-dividend, long positions will be credited and short positions will be debited with a cash adjustment for positions held in the share at rollover.

Dividends shall be credited or debited from the Client’s Balance outside the underlying share’s trading hours and before the opening of the share’s next trading day.

Dividends Formula

The basic formula used is d = p x n

  • d = dividend
  • p = position
  • n = dividend declared

Here’s the calculation we use for the dividend for shares: A client opens a Buy position on 10,000 share CFDs of Apple (APLUSD), with a dividend declared at 2p. The calculation is: d = 10,000 x 0.02 = $200 (credited). Another example we can look at is that a client opens a Sell position on 5,000 share CFDs of Adidas (ADSEUR), with a net dividend declared at 5p. The calculation is: d = 5,000 x 0.05 = €250 (debited).

O que os nossos Tradersdizem sobre nós

Ações Oferecidas pela easyMarkets

Ações Descrição
BNG / USD Boeing
GOO / USD Alphabet
DIS / USD Disney
NVD / USD Nvidia
TWT / USD Twitter
NKE / USD Nike
JPM / USD JPMorgan
UBE / USD Uber
MAC / USD Mastercard
PFE / USD Pfizer
BAB / USD Alibaba
AMZ / USD Amazon
APL / USD Apple
FBK / USD Meta-Facebook
NFX / USD Netflix
TSL / USD Tesla
CCA / USD Coca-cola
INT / USD Intel Corporation
JNJ / USD Johnson & Johnson
MCD / USD McDonald’s
MSF / USD Microsoft
FRD / USD Ford
CVX / USD Chevron
VSA / USD Visa
CSC / USD Cisco
EXO / USD Exxon
Ações Descrição
ADS / EUR Adidas
ALV / EUR Allianz
BAY / EUR Bayer
BNP / EUR BNP Paribas
CBK / EUR Commerzbank
DAI / EUR Daimler
IBE / EUR Iberdrola
SIE / EUR Siemens
VOW / EUR Volkswagen
Ações Descrição
CBA / AUD Commonwealth Bank
GMG / AUD Goodman
IAG / AUD Insurance Australia
MQG / AUD Macquarie
NAB / AUD National Australia Bank
SUN /AUD Suncorp
TLS /AUD Telstra
WES /AUD Wesfarmers
WBC /AUD Westpac Bank
WDS / AUD Woodside Energy Group
WOW / AUD Woolworths
Ações Descrição
TOY / JPY Toyota
SFT / JPY Softbank
SNY / JPY Sony
MZH / JPY Mizuho
HON / JPY Honda
Ações Descrição
TCT / HKD Tencent
BOC / HKD Bank of China

Negociação de Ações CFD

Venda de Ações

Vender a descoberto ou operar vendido ao negociar ações de CFDs é essencialmente 'vender' a ação na expectativa de que o preço caia. Essa é uma das vantagens de se negociar por meio de CFDs: você pode se beneficiar dos movimentos positivos e negativos da ação subjacente.

Negociação de Ações com a easyMarkets

A easyMarkets oferece várias plataformas de negociação on-line para Ações e nossos outros produtos CFD. Nossa plataforma web proprietária é intuitiva para novos operadores, mas repleta de recursos poderosos para operadores experientes.

Benefícios da Negociação de Ações

Um dos maiores benefícios de negociar ações é a imensa quantidade de dados disponíveis. Não apenas os veículos de notícias informam prontamente sobre marcas populares, novos produtos e notícias da empresa. Quando as empresas são negociadas publicamente, elas são obrigadas a divulgar seus lucros. Esses relatórios geralmente são divulgados após o último mês de cada trimestre financeiro.

Temporadas de Ganhos

Os mercados são especialmente ativos durante esses períodos e as ações podem flutuar - semelhante a outros CFDs como Forex, Commodities e Metais Preciosos - durante anúncios de políticas econômicas. Alguns traders evitam a volatilidade e outros a utilizam como parte de sua estratégia.

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